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1. Web King Design

Web King Design

Website Design and development. w3c standards complaint websites. xhtml/css (Hits: 597)

Listed in: Business, Design, Graphics, New Zealand By: webking

2. Catchlight Design Ltd

Catchlight Design Ltd

Catchlight Design is one of Christchurch, New Zealand's leading boutique web site design companies. Catchlight create attractive, highly functional, award winning websites that are web standards compliant. Catchlight have been designing with web standards since 2002. (Hits: 458)

Listed in: Web Design, Multimedia, New Zealand By: brock

3. MaxGen


More than just great Websites. We're MaxGen Media. For the past ten years we've designed and developed business solutions packed with creativity and innovation. Get to know us; we're here to help. (Hits: 371)

Listed in: Web Design, Web Promotion, Internet, New Zealand By: maxgen

4. Zinni Design

Zinni Design

This is the online portfolio and blog of Art Director Anthony J. Zinni. He specializes in Print material, branding, and Standards compliant Websites. (Hits: 254)

Listed in: Design, Graphics, Illustration, United States By: ajzinni


CSSArtillery, showcase of web standards state-of-the-art & inspirational websites from all around the globe. (Hits: 448)

Listed in: Computers, Internet, Directories, United States By: graham

6. NZWebModel Creative Web Solutions You Can Afford

NZWebModel Creative Web Solutions You Can Afford - creating accessible, functional, flexible, well designed and search engine optimised websites that you can afford. (Hits: 374)

Listed in: Web Design, Web Hosting, Services, New Zealand By: csswebsavvy

7. DarkMikey Productions

DarkMikey Productions

DarkMikey Productions is a Web Design and Development Firm based in New Zealand dedicated to building unique websites that work. All our sites are built using standards compliant xhtml and css which means they are Fast, Efficient and Search Engine Friendly. (Hits: 198)

Listed in: Web Design, Web Hosting, New Zealand By: darkmikey

8. CSS XHTML Web Design Nepal

CSS XHTML Web Design Nepal

Web Technology Pvt. Ltd. is an innovative Kathmandu based Web Company in Nepal. We specialize in web design and database driven websites for small to medium business, identity and print design. Our aim is to create, design, develop and maintain the best web sites using web standards and the latest technology. Deliver the final product on time and to budget. We recognize the importance and the value of our clients. (Hits: 424)

Listed in: Design, Web Promotion, Web Design, Nepal By: webtechnepal

9. CSS SHowcase Gallery

CSS SHowcase Gallery

CSS Showcase is a gallery of CSS websites where you can submit your designs. Listings are search engine friendly for all websites in the gallery. (Hits: 266)

Listed in: Marketing, Advertising, Services, United Kingdom By: neilthurlwell

10. web.junkie - New Zealand Web Design Enthusiast - Showcase

web.junkie - New Zealand Web Design Enthusiast - Showcase

web.junkie is a website that's dedicated to showcasing New Zealand's quality websites that are visually pleasing, functional, and think outside the box (Hits: 215)

Listed in: Directories, Web Design, Internet, New Zealand By: webjunkie

  • Showing websites 1-10 of 51